Idolatry of Statism

At this point, I'm just going to give you my notes as I have them. They are a little sketchy, and I hope to refine them at some point. The notes are from a sermon by Pastor John Weaver found here. Statism is the belief that the state is the source of power, authority and … Continue reading Idolatry of Statism

Calvary Chapel and Chuck Smith

I read an article the other day on Calvary Chapel and Chuck Smith in Christianity Today entitled Day of Reckoning. To say that I was concerned after reading the article would be an understatement. The article was alarming in many ways. But first and foremost was Smith's misinterpretation of scripture and misunderstanding of power and … Continue reading Calvary Chapel and Chuck Smith

30 Ways the IRS Controls Churches

Should the church incorporate as a 501(c)3 non-profit corporation? The following is an excerpt from an article written by the pastor of Indianapolis Baptist Temple, after the IRS seized the church property from the congregation for allegedly failing to pay taxes. For more information on IBT you can go here. Church must have a distinct … Continue reading 30 Ways the IRS Controls Churches